TLT Properties FAQ
- What are the steps for leasing an apartment?
- Every occupant must turn in a completed Application.
- Turn in a $25 application fee with the application.
- If your application is approved, pay the full security deposit amount for your apartment.
- What utilities does TLT Properties pay?
- 101 - 103 E. Center, Monticello - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 104 S. Second, Tolono - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 105 E. Washington, Tolono - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 107 -111 Bell Avenue, Monticello - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 1006 W. Church, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water and garbage pick-up.
- 1010 West Church St., Champaign - TLT Properties pays for heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 1602 W. University Avenue, Champaign - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 1015 S. Washington, Paxton - Tenants pays all utilities.
- 1056 S. Market, Monticello - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 111 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for heat and garbage pick-up.
- 201 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water and garbage pick-up.
- 201 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 203 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 203 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for garbage pick-up.
- 205 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 207 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 207 & 209 S. Lynn, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for garbage pick-up.
- 211 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for garbage pick-up.
- 301 W. Washington, Monticello - TLT Properties pays heat, water, sewer services, and garbage.
- 303 W. Reynolds, Tolono - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 306 Pease, Tolono - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 306 N. State, Champaign - "The Elridge" - TLT Properties pays heat, hot water, and garbage pick-up.
- 317 N. Buchanan (house), Monticello - Tenant pays all utilities.
- 342 S. Garrard, Rantoul - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up for all units and heat for two of the units.
- 402 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 404 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 404 N. Elm, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services & garbage pick-up.
- 405 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water and garbage for one unit and garbage for all units.
- 406 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 406 N. Elm, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for all utiilties.
- 408 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 409 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays internet, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 408 W. Hill, Champaign - TLT Properties pays heat, gas, water, sewer servcices, and garbage pick-up.
- 409 E. Reynolds, Tolono - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 411 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 412 W. Hill, Champaign - TLT Properties pays heat, gas, water & garbage pick-up, except for the top loft unit. That unit has it's own electric bill which is paid by the Tenant.
- 503 W. Columbia, Champaign - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 504 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 505 W. Healey, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 506 S. Lynn, Champaign - TLT Properties pays garbage pick-up.
- 507 N. Prairie, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water & garbage pick-up.
- 508 W. Hill, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 512 W. White, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, garbage pick-up.
- 515 W. Washington, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 602 E. Livingston, Monticello - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 604 E. Broadway, Tolono - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 606 E. Broadway, Tolono - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 608 - 610 E. Broadway, Tolono - Tenants pay all utilities.
- 618 W. Healey, Champaign - TLT Properties pays heat, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 703 W. Hill, Champaign - TLT Properties pays heat, internet, water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 705 S. Randolph, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 711 S. Randolph, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 806 S. State, Champaign - TLT Properties pays for water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- 811 W. Hill, Champaign - TLT Properties pays water, sewer services, and garbage pick-up.
- How do I get utilities hooked up for my new apartment?
Contact the appropriate companies at the numbers below:
Electricity and gas: AmerenIP 1-800-755-5000 AmerenCIPS 1-888-789-8477 Water: IL-AWC 1-217-352-1420 Tolono Water 1-217-485-5212 Cable & Internet: Comcast 1-800-934-6489 U-Verse 1-800-288-2020 Mediacom 1-855-633-4226
- Is the property near the bus line?
The Champaign and Urbana properties are. Check out the MTD site or call them at (217) 384-8188.
- Is the apartment furnished?
Sorry TLT Properties doesn't furnish apartmentants.
- What do I have to do to get shown an apartment I'm interested in?
TLT Properties shows apartments every day. Call (217) 355-1950 to set up an appointment.
- How do I sublease an apartment?
Come by the TLT Properties' office at 41 East University in Champaign, or call us about getting a sublease form. The people subleasing must also fill out a regular application, which TLT Properties must review before OK'ing any sublease.
- If I sublease, what responsibilities do I still have for my old apartment?
You are still responsible for making sure the new tenant pays rent on time, and will incur any cleaning charges that occur after the lease expires.
- Do I need Renter's Insurance? Will TLT Properties cover any of my property?
All tenants should get Renter's Insurance if they are concerned about their personal property. TLT Properties' insurance policy, in most cases, does NOT cover tenant's personal property.
- Who do I contact for maintenance services?
Call our man Andy Gooden at 217-369-4740 or Email him. We do not cover most problems created through renter negligence - i.e. punching a hole in the wall.
- If I pay my rent and bills, but one of my roomates doesn't, am I still responsible?
Yes. If your name is on the lease, you are responsible for all obligations detailed on that lease.