About TLT Properties
Local websites of interest to prospective TLT tenants. Email us to get your site listed!
www.RealEstateBook.com - Search for homes for sale in Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, Monticello, Rantoul, Savoy, and surrounding Central Illinois communities
www.TCBYCU.com - TCBY - self-serve frozen yogurt store in Old Farm Shops with 18 different fro yo flavors swirling at all times and over 50 toppings on their topping bar!
www.youtube.com - An Introduction to Champaign-Urbana!
www.cumtd.com - Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit
illinois.edu - University of Illinois
www.parkland.edu - Parkland College
www.kam.uiuc.edu - Krannert Art Museum